
It’s one thing to create your Facebook or Twitter accounts in the name of your business, but actually cultivating those accounts is a whole other ballgame. As in, you can’t expect the traffic to flood your page if your posts are falling flat.

This could be due in part to the content you’re posting or sharing. Is it related to your business? Is it actually about your business? Will your targeted audience find it interesting or entertaining enough? Then, there is the matter of when you are actually creating your posts and making them live.

Keep track of the times and days your posts do receive attention. Your most loyal followers are likely habitually online during these times and most active. And if they are, there is the very good possibility that like-minded individuals may also be, giving them a better chance at seeing your content. And giving you a better possibility of gaining more active followers on social media.

There is also a lot to be said for that nifty “Trending News” notice in your Facebook feed. If one of the trending topics happen to relate to your own business, use that to your advantage. And really, allot yourself with a considerable amount of patience and optimism. Chances are, you won’t get surefire results right away, and having constant doubts will only result in a poorer quality of your social media posts.

Since some Facebook users aren’t readily seeking out many business pages, it is important to remain diligent in your relevance on social media. The best advice for boosting your presence online is to simply not give up. By really monitoring trends on Facebook and from your own followers, you can be aware of what sells, so to speak, in terms of social media marketing.

And keep up with it! An inactive looking social media page for a business is one solid way to deter users from staying on the page for very long, or even returning to it for that matter. If it looks like the last time you posted something was around Obama’s first inauguration, then we have a problem. Keep your content fresh and engaging and despite slow weeks or less traffic, continue putting out your content. A true remedy in growing your social media presence is to be present.

Photo Courtesy of Sean MacEntee